Hello I'm

Umar Hajam

I am scientist with big interest in how data shapes our lives. I mainly work on Natural Language Processing, but curious to all fields where data has big impact. During my scientific journey I learned a lot of concepts and developed a lot of skills, such us : Expert Systems Developments, Knowledge-based system, Data integration, data analysis, Data mining and Text Mining, Machine learning, Deep learning, Natural Language Processing and Compter Vision. I am curious and an avid learner, i believe that everyday there are tons of new things we can learn to be, even a bit, better than the person we were yesterday.

Hair Loss Diagnosis

A hair loss diagnosis system that detects and classifies 4 different types of hair loss

Automatic Indian Number Plate Recognition

An Number plate recognition system that detects and classifies the number on an Indian licence plate

Identification of Suicidal Ideation on Social Media

A research based project. This classifies tweets into Neutral, Depression and Suicidal. Built using Python and R programming

Movie Recommendation System

A collabrative filtering based movie recommendation system built using Python and R programming

Fake News Detection

The purpose of this project is to come up with a solution that can be utilized by users to detect and filter out sites containing false and misleading information.

Intraday Stock Trading on real-time data

Stock Price Prediction using real-time data. Project deployed on Heruko

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